The Love Calculator

The love Test

Test the love between two people by entering their names below and then calculate their compatibility.

First Lover Name

Second Lover Name

Love Test Result


(0% - 10%) A Gross Infidel Who Sleeps Around
(11% - 20%) Wow! A Beautiful Liar
(21% - 30%) A Regular Face At WhoreStands!
(31% - 40%) A Sugar Bunch For Young Folks
(41% - 50%) Loves You But Still Cheats
(51% - 60%) Hmmm, A Notorious Party Freak
(61% - 70%) Haha, Covers Foul Plays with Church
(71% - 80%) Honest But Sometimes Naughty
(81% - 90%) FaithFul And Romantic For Real
(91% - 100%) A Very Religious And Faithful Partner

Saturday 5 December 2015

Love Definition

The definition of love can never be complete and comprehensive in one single definition. Below is a picture of what love is all about:
"It's love if:
You have great chemistry: You get lost in your conversations, and the hours pass like minutes. You're more than willing to listen to her when she talks about her day. The chemistry between you is remarkable.
You find her beautiful: Even if you catch her with no makeup on and her hair pulled back while she's unclogging a toilet, she still looks beautiful to you.
You want to spend time with her: All you want to do is to be with her, whether you're having se'x or not. Even if she tells you that se'x will have to wait, you don't care.
You see a future together: You experience the strange feeling that your life would be totally empty without her. You tell your friends and family that she may be The One, and you're even thinking about marrying her.
You introduce her to your family: It becomes very important to you that your parents like her, and that she gets along with everyone close to you.
You include her in all your plans: Whether you're going out with your male friends or taking your dog for a walk, you want her there with you. And if she's not there, you can't get her off your mind and sneak off to give her a quick "I miss you" phone call. Of course, you don't tell your buddies.
You are more rom'antic: All of a sudden you find yourself listening to cheesy romantic songs and thinking of her. You send her flowers and love notes to work and set up romantic evenings candlelit dinners at home.
You always take her side: If someone says anything even slightly disparaging about her, you immediately rise to her defence. Furthermore, in social gatherings, you always agree with her even if you disagree behind closed doors.
She makes you want to be a better man: She challenges and motivates you. She makes you happy, and you'd do anything to make her happy.
I think it's love, baby."
By AskMen, June 26, 2005 (Online Urban Dictionary)

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Also, feel free to get answers to your inner emotional thoughts and questions including Does he like me quiz, Does he like you quiz, Does he like me back quiz, Does my crush like me, Does he like me, Does he love me, How to tell if a boy likes you, How to tell if your crush like you, How to tell if a guy likes you, How to know if a guy likes you, Does he love me, How do you know if a guy likes you, How to know if a guy likes you quiz, How do you know if a guy likes you quiz, How to get a guy to like you, How to flirt with a guy, How to flirt, How to flirt with a girl, How to tell if a girl likes you, How to know if a girl likes you, Signs a girl likes you, Signs she likes you, Does she like me, How do you know if a girl likes you and many more using these tools listed below:

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